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  • 雷逸汽车空气机油空调滤清器配件包装策划设计

    客户    上海静颐汽车零部件有限公司

    项目    系列包装策划设计

    执行    狮动包装部

    静颐汽车零部件有限公司始建于2008年, 2014年正式注册成立上海静颐汽车零部件有限公司。公司总投资6000余万元人民币,上海静颐汽车零部件有限公司位于交通便利、经济发达的上海市。是一家集汽车滤清器研发、自产、销售和服务一体现代化企业。
    分析: 市面上的优秀滤清器产品包装均为统一视觉包装,采用多用色块的形式,颜色多采用蓝、黄、红、黑、白。除博世以外,其他的品牌均为“工业属性”“设计感强”的图形语言方式。

    Jingyi Auto Parts Co., Ltd. was founded in 2008 and formally incorporated into Shanghai Jingyi Auto Parts Co., Ltd. in 2014. With a total investment of more than 60 million yuan, Shanghai Jingyi Auto Parts Co., Ltd. is located in Shanghai, a city with convenient transportation and developed economy. It is a modern enterprise integrating R&D, self-produced, sales and service of automotive filters.
    Jingyi mainly promotes the "Leiyi" brand filter. In order to continuously meet the needs and development of customers and the market, Jingyi invests a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources in the development of new products; The company provides high-quality products at reasonable prices.
    Analysis: The excellent filter products on the market are packed in a unified visual package, using a multi-purpose color block, and the colors are mostly blue, yellow, red, black and white. Except Bosch, other brands are graphic languages with "industrial attributes" and "strong sense of design".
    1.Use successful brands in the market to follow and seize the market space to squeeze each other.
    2.Create new brand specific visual elements (such as Bosch's figurative graphic packaging series) by making use of unused typesetting graphics and elements of the market brand to create a distinctive market image that clearly distinguishes competitors.





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    2016-2022 狮动®长沙思传品牌策划有限公司



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